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5 Tips to Successfully Staying Motivated In A Fitness Challenge

5 Tips to Successfully Staying Motivated In A Fitness Challenge

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1.  Know Your Why

An important factor in staying motivated in a fitness challenge is knowing and understanding why you are doing it. Most people find greater motivation in sticking to something when they are driven by a need they are trying to meet.

For instance, exercise gives increases your energy, improves your mood, and reduces stress. If you are in an exercise challenge and you enjoy the feeling you get from exercise staying motivated during the challenge is an easier task.

2.  Establish an accountability partner

Partnering with another person or the community of the challenge you are in can make a tremendous difference. They can encourage you when you aren’t motivated without judgment. They can also push you to keep going when you feel like you can’t go any further.

An accountability partner cheers you on when you are doing well and celebrates your successes with you.  Best of all an accountability partner is there to let you know you are not alone.

3.  Set Small Goals

Having something to work toward can drive you to work harder. By setting small obtainable goals and achieving them, people are encouraged to continue. If a person has a goal to get 10,000 steps in per day and they have completed 9500 steps, they are going to work hard to get those last 500 steps.

If the goal is to get 10,000 steps in per day and the person only has 5,000 steps closer to the end of the day they will probably feel discouraged. Not only will they be discouraged for not accomplishing the goal but they also may not be motivated to try again the next day. To prevent feeling discouraged set attainable goals and believe in yourself. You can do this!

4.  Work Toward Your Goal

Often times we want overnight success. This is what I call a microwave mentality.

Have you ever ate right and exercised for a day and run to the scale the next morning in hopes that you have lost weight? I have!!! I’ve also found myself pretty upset.

Results require consistent hard work and dedication. Work toward your goal daily, and for best long-term sustainable results, create a habit.

5.  Use A Weight Loss Journal/Fitness Tracking Program

Using weight loss apps and fitness trackers increase success rates. Research shows people who use trackers exercise on average 38 minutes more per week and another study shows a 30% increase in physical activity.

Weight loss journals and apps used to log meals have proven to improve self-discipline, increase weight loss, and promote healthier food choices. Logging food with each meal or snack makes one aware of his or her food choices and helps to reduce overeating, and an abundance of unhealthy food choices.

Following these tips will increase your motivation and success. As you go through the #movewithme challenge or any other challenge use these tips to keep you going, stay motivated, and accomplish your goals.

What tips do you have for staying motivated? Please share in the comments section.







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