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How To Identify Emotional Eating & The Top 5 Ways To Control It

How To Identify Emotional Eating & The Top 5 Ways To Control It

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I’ve had a rough day, this cupcake would make me feel so much better

Most often when we eat out of emotion, we chose unhealthy foods. We tend to overeat those foods, as well. I say we because I’ve included myself as one who is guilty of emotional and impulsive eating.

I have a tendency to eat when I am bored. If I am hungry I am notorious for grabbing the first thing I see that doesn’t require preparation. The majority of the time what I grab is not healthy.

Identifying Triggers For Emotional Eating

Heading to the kitchen opening up cabinets and the refrigerator every time you are bored, sad, lonely, mad, nervous, or scared is a definite sign of emotional eating.

Take a moment and think, how do you cope with these emotions? It’s important to be able to identify what drives you to eat. Knowing this will help you control it.

If you notice yourself eating because you see food and it looks good, eating even though you are not hungry, or eating something and then feeling guilty about it, chances are you are an emotional eater.

A good way to know if you are an emotional eater is to keep a food journal. Write down everything you eat for each meal and for snacks. Include beverages as this will help you keep track of your water, juice and pop intake.

Also, jot down how you are feeling when you eat. Are you stressed about work, the kids, your spouse, money? What’s on your mind?

I ask these questions because most of us do not think about how we are feeling or what is on our mind when we eat. Often times we don’t realize that we are eating because of our emotions.

All About Nutrients

Everything your body needs



It’s important to know that cravings you get that cause the emotional eating are not always psychological or mental.

Sometimes it can be a physical need. Being nutrient deficient can cause you to crave sweets, salty and crunchy food, cheese, caffeine, and even meat.

This is another reason why eating clean is so important.

When you eat clean you get the proper nutrients such as chromium, magnesium, zinc, chloride, and calcium in addition to several others. Getting those nutrients into your system will greatly reduce various cravings that result in emotional eating.

How To Control Emotional Eating

Eat Clean – You may have to start with baby steps but incorporating more fruits and vegetables daily fills your body with proper nutrients.

Clean eating, drinking water & exercising

Drink Water – Water is so important and sometimes when we think we are hungry we are really just thirsty. Water can be infused with fruits, vegetables, and herbs which will add flavor and may help you not reach for food.

Distract yourself – If you are bored, stressed, sad or whatever your emotion is do something to get your mind off of it other than eating.

Move – Some type of exercise will get the blood flowing through your body and release endorphins which can improve your mood and release stress.

Prepare – Meal prepping is a way to keep you eating the right foods. Several studies have shown when you prepare your food in advance, you are less likely to eat unhealthy foods. Cravings and emotional eating are going to happen at some point so prepare for it in advance. Find healthy substitutes for sugary or salty food.

When all else fails, indulge in the food you are craving but remember portion control is key. It is better to have a cheat meal or snack and get back on track then it is for you to go on a binge. As you continue to work through these steps you will find yourself eating healthier, feeling better, and your emotional eating will be greatly reduced.

What are some things you have done to control emotional eating?




  • Freda B Posted May 19, 2017 1:04 am

    I’m guilty of emotional eating.

    • Aleta Osborn Posted May 20, 2017 1:32 am

      We are all guilty of emotional eating at some point, what’s important is that we recognize it and begin to work on it. Don’t beat yourself up about just start working to change it. You will be fine. Thanks for sharing.

  • Tynisa Posted May 19, 2017 2:46 am

    I try to drink water or look at my goal I’m trying to achieve when I’m looking for food. Then I think if I eat wrong it’s going to stick to me and add more weight. I do not want to increase in weight, I’m looking for my number to decrease. ?

    • Aleta Osborn Posted May 20, 2017 1:34 am

      Drinking water is great, continue that. Keeping your goal in mind even when you have cravings is good because sometimes that will help you say no to the unhealthy food. You have the right mindset, stick with it and your number will decrease. Good luck & thank you for sharing.

  • Erin Greene Posted May 20, 2017 1:25 am

    I definitely struggle with emotional eating, and the worst of it is that I know everything you’ve written here, and STILL struggle. Ugh. 🙁 Good information!

    • Aleta Osborn Posted May 20, 2017 1:42 am

      Hi Erin, I struggle with emotional eating as well. What makes it really bad for me is that I’m writing this information to share with everyone but I still have temptations. No matter who we are or what we do temptations will occur and we will give in to them at times but the important thing is that we eat right the majority of the time. Thank you for sharing.

  • Jane Posted May 20, 2017 2:05 am

    Eating clean is not just for emotional eaters. All of us can use a dose or two.

    • Aleta Osborn Posted May 20, 2017 5:07 am

      You are absolutely right Jane. I encourage everyone to eat clean but people who make a habit of eating clean tend to have fewer cravings and when they get a craving it’s a little easier to get back on track. For me, once I developed a habit of eating clean, a lot of the unhealthy foods I ate in the past were not as good to me and I went from craving cookies and chips to wanting fruit and vegetables. Thank you for sharing.

  • Paula Posted May 20, 2017 3:12 am

    This is a wonderful article, thanks for writing it! I struggle with emotional eating, and figuring out when I’m hungry or just emotional has been tough. This really helps.

    • Aleta Osborn Posted May 20, 2017 5:14 am

      Hi Paula, thank you!! If you keep a journal of what you eat and your mood at that time you will begin to determine if you are truly hungry or not. Two apps that I know of that help you journal your food is my fitness pal and lose it. Good luck with your journey, and just know that you are not alone. Thank you for sharing.

  • Arlene Posted May 21, 2017 4:00 am

    Great article. I will def share on Facebook wellness page

    • Aleta Osborn Posted May 21, 2017 6:56 pm

      Thank you and I really appreciate you sharing it.

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