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My Journey Back to Health While In Pain

My Journey Back to Health While In Pain

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My Journey back to health

It’s been a while since you’ve received a post from me. During my time away, I’ve been through quite a bit, but I am back to begin my journey back to health while in pain.

When Tragedy Strikes

My mother was diagnosed with Cancer. Her diagnoses crippled me, and I lost focus on everything else. My life’s mission became being the center of her support system. Building my mother a dream team of doctors and helping her any way I could to heal was imperative.

Within ten days of being diagnosed my mother was hospitalized and I lost her three weeks later.

Paralyzed in my pain I ignored everything I know about nutrition. Here I am, the face of Pure-trition, a blog site I created to share my knowledge and educate others about eating healthy, on the couch eating everything I tell my readers not to eat. Not exercising or doing anything to help myself or anyone else.

During this time I’ve managed to gain all my weight back. My mother wouldn’t want this for me at all. Even while she was in the hospital, she would ask me if I was eating healthy and when was I going to try and make it to the gym. The only thing I wanted to do was be with her.

Trying to Heal

Nutritional Food

Nutritional Food

Today will be the first day of my weight loss journey. Now I have additional reasons for pushing forward. My first is that this is what my mother would want. My second reason is that now I feel even more compelled to help educate others on medical illnesses and the various ways proper nutrition can help. I hope to make a difference for someone else.

The death of a loved one is overwhelming and extremely hurtful. If through education and nutrition any illness can be avoided or prolonged I want the world to know.

I am hoping that taking care of myself, sharing nutrition, and helping others will be the prescription for my pain.

Please join me as I travel through this journey and please be on the lookout for regular Pure-trition postings on Mondays and Thursdays, as well as, new products from Pure-trition coming soon.



  • Freda B Posted November 6, 2017 10:20 am

    Sending up prayer for strength and courage. I’m so thankful for your return, ready to join you on your journey, and I can wait to try your products.

    Welcome Back!

    • Aleta Osborn Posted November 6, 2017 10:47 am

      Thank you so much. I’m excited that you are joining me on this journey!!!!

  • Steph Posted November 6, 2017 3:32 pm

    Welcome Back!!!!

    • Aleta Osborn Posted November 6, 2017 8:15 pm

      Thank you!!

  • Kelley Posted November 6, 2017 5:15 pm

    Beautiful post. I really appreciate your willingness to open up to us and honestly share your strengths, weaknesses, pain and success. Finding strength during a struggle is so difficult, but sharing with others for the purpose of educating us and helping us to live better/healthier is so very selfless and amazing. You are truly an inspiration, a blessing to us all and basically our earth-bound Angel. My prays will continue to be with you and I thank you for your courage. Let “our” journey begin. Signed, Grateful. ???

    • Aleta Osborn Posted November 6, 2017 8:15 pm

      Thank you, I really appreciate all of your kind words. I am happy to hear you are joining in on the journey and look forward to hearing your successes.

  • Tynisa Posted November 7, 2017 1:53 pm

    Welcome back can’t wait to see the new products

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