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Natural Hacks to Keep Cold and Flu Season in Check!

Natural Hacks to Keep Cold and Flu Season in Check!

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October’s here – aka sweater season depending on where you live – and if your immune system needs a boost now’s the time to take action!


Sadly, flu season is upon us. 


It’s not uncommon to approach the upcoming winter months with a hint of dread. Sniffs, a few coughs and before we know what’s hit us we’re bedridden with a sore throat, aches and a fever.


Even though the reasoning behind why we tend to get sick in the colder months is unknown, there is a theory that the influenza virus may thrive better in dry, colder climates.


In hot, humid temperatures water droplets in the air fall to the ground carrying any germs or viruses inside of them.  In cold weather water droplets in the air can live longer and prolong the length of time the virus survives.


No fun at all


Although there are many studies and much speculation on flu season, either way, it’s no fun to get sick.  The best plan of attack is to do a much as your can to naturally boost your immune system to keep viruses and infections from settling in.

Even though it can be tricky to stay healthy during the winter, the good news is there are still many things we can do to naturally boost our immune system in preparation for this time of the year.


Naturally Boost your Immunity


Some of these things include eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation.  Other flu busting hacks include getting plenty of sleep and washing your hands frequently to avoid infection.


Studies also show that upping your intake of vitamin C can reduce the length of a cold as well as its intensity.


Vitamin C to the rescue!


Luckily, a wide assortment of fruit and veggies are high in vitamin C including, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, lemons, kale, and that’s just to start!  The list of foods high in vitamin C goes on!

Pure-Delight is packed full of immunity boosters!


With its zesty sweetness, my Pure-Delight Juice is just the ticket to help give your immune system the boost it needs this winter!

Its natural ingredients deliver serious goodness to your body, to help keep sickness at bay. And trust me – once you try it, you’ll be hooked and back to your robust self in no time. Its ingredients include apple, celery, grapefruit, lemon, orange and wheatgrass. These fruits and veggies are all high in vitamin c and fibre.

Apples are an excellent source of antioxidants as well. I will say that the addition of wheatgrass really amps up the benefits of drinking my Pure Delight Juice too!

Wheatgrass is a super potent superfood with amazing benefits. Its combination of vitamins and nutrients make wheatgrass a perfect choice to enhance your well-being. Wheatgrass has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties and contains iron, calcium, enzymes, magnesium, phytonutrients, amino acids, chlorophyll, proteins and vitamins A, C, E, K and B complex.

Wheatgrass is known to eliminate toxins and impurities stored in the body and is an immune system booster as well.


Click here to order my Pure-Delight Juice from the Pure-trition Online Juice Shop.


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