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Staying Motivated 5 Best Fitness Challenge Tips

Staying Motivated 5 Best Fitness Challenge Tips

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1. Remember Why You Started the Challenge

Remember your “why”! This is important for a challenge. Go back and review your “why”. Bring back the original excitement and motivate yourself to keep going. Studies show it is easier to stick to a fitness challenge or weight loss goal if it is an internal motivation.

A great example is to improve your health due to a medical condition versus external motivation such as losing weight to look good. Have a reminder, write down your “Why” and keep it in a place where you’ll see it daily.

 2. Revisit the goals you set at the beginning of the challenge    

Go back and look at your goals. Revisiting your goals can be an excellent motivator. Goals are often set to lose a specific amount of weight by a certain date such as; vacation, a wedding, or a special event of some kind.

As goals are set people often visualize how they will look at the end of the challenge. Put that visual at the forefront of your mind and remember that the only way to achieve it is to keep working toward it.

3. Check in with your accountability partner  

Accountability Partners

Accountability Partners

Consistently check in with your accountability partner, as it can prove to be beneficial. Studies show that having a partner, or someone to hold you accountable increases productivity.

Set a check-in schedule with your partner and stick to it. This will help reduce the possibility of quitting and get you focused and making progress.

If you don’t already have an accountability partner don’t worry it’s not too late. Do not be afraid to ask for help because it could be the push the other person needs to motivate them as well.

4. Set up a variety of exercises to do to prevent boredom

Sometimes we can get bored doing the same exercises day in and day out, switch up your workouts. Create variety with your cardio by switching up and dividing your time between two or three machines for each workout. Add in strength training, Tabata, or HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts.

Run or walk outside, change your scenery and enjoy the weather. Use workout videos or take turns with your partner to choose what the workout will be.

The more variety you add, the fewer chances you have getting bored and giving up so add variety to your workout today.

 5. Create a side challenge or friendly bet with someone

Create a side bet, and it doesn’t have to be money.  Side bets are often great motivators. Great examples of side bets are; loser must babysit or cook for the winner.

Get creative because there are countless things you can come up with to keep things interesting and keep you motivated to stay in the challenge and not give up on your efforts.





Review these tips as often as needed to help get you through a challenge and to reach your goals.

Do you have tips that have helped you stick to a fitness or weight loss challenge? Share them in the comments section below.



  • Freda B Posted August 13, 2018 7:38 am

    Yes, motivation is key. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Aleta Osborn Posted August 13, 2018 8:02 am

      We can all use a little motivation from time to time. You’re welcome. Thank you for supporting the Pure-trition and the #movewithme challenge!!!

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