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The Many Benefits of Juicing

The Many Benefits of Juicing

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If you have heard of Juicing before you may be wondering either one of two things. What exactly is it and how can it help me? I am going to go over both those questions in detail and help you understand why you might want to consider trying it.

What is Juicing?

Juicing involves a process where the natural liquids, vitamins, and minerals are extracted from raw fruits and vegetables. This process strips away any solid matter from the fruits and vegetables and you’re left with liquid only. Juicing can be a more efficient way to enjoy your fruits and vegetables and allows you to get the full nutritional value from them.

There are plenty of reasons why people make juicing part of their lifestyle and the health benefits alone will want to make you start incorporating it in your life as well.

What Juicing Can Do For You

  • Juicy improves your overall health– The main benefit of juicing is that it provides you with a plentiful supply of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. These nutrients are all essential and support good health in countless ways. Some of their main functions include acting as antioxidants, boosting your blood health, keeping your immune system strong, protecting against chronic diseases (such as cancer and diabetes), supporting your vital organs and strengthening your bones. Therefore, by juicing regularly, you’ll give your body all the nutrients it needs and give your overall health a significant boost.
  • Juicing gives you the maximum nutritional value– When you eat fruits and vegetables, your body extracts the nutrients from them during the digestive process. However, some of these nutrients are naturally lost and excreted during this process, so you don’t get the full nutritional value from the fruits and vegetables.

Pro tip:

  • Juicing extracts these health boosting nutrients into a liquid form and makes them much easier for your body to absorb. As a result, you lose fewer nutrients by juicing and get maximum nutritional value from the fruits and vegetables by juicing.
  • You can enjoy a wide range of fruits & vegetables– When you juice this allows you to benefit from the nutrients in fruits and vegetables that we normally wouldn’t eat. This is a great opportunity to add in those fruits and vegetables that you don’t necessarily enjoy with the ones you love and receive the nutrients from them.
  • It saves you time-Eating multiple servings of fruits and vegetables each day takes time and if you’re busy, the thought of adding them into your day may stop you from enjoying them. However, by juicing your vegetables you can get multiple servings in one easy drink, and you can take it wherever you go in one cup.
  • Juicing is an incredible way to supplement a healthy diet and though I don’t encourage you to make it a replacement for whole fruits and vegetables it does add some great benefits. So grab a juicer and start enjoying some tasty, natural, nutrient packed juice.

Tips for Juicing

For an added bonus I’ll share some great tips and ideas on when it comes to juicing.

  1. Be Creative– When you decide to start juicing you may want to stick with the fruits and vegetables you know and love, but remind yourself that you are doing it for the nutritional benefits and don’t be afraid to try new items. Start by adding in at least one new fruit or vegetable each time you go shopping.
  2. Focus on Vegetables– Fruits contain more fructose and calories than vegetables, so by focusing on veggies you can lower the total calorie count of your juice without missing out on any nutrients. Aim to make your juices with no more than 30% fruit, you will still get the sweetness to flavor the juice but keep the calories at a good level.
  3. Skip the Low Water Fruits– Not all fruits are good for juicing. Avocados and bananas do not juice well and can clog up your juicer. If you want to add them to your juices blend them first and then add them to your finished juice.
  4. Add Spices or Herbs– Cayenne, Cinnamon, Ginger, or Mint are a great way to add some extra flavor to your juice. This will be a bit of an experiment to figure out which ones work well together but give it a try and see what you like. Some favorite blends are cinnamon with apple, mint with citrus fruits, and cayenne with red vegetables.
  5. Don’t Let Your Juice Sit– Because fruits and vegetables lose their nutritional value quickly you will want to drink your juice immediately after making it to ensure you are get the most nutrition from it. If you want to make a batch of juice, you will want to store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container and keep for three days at the most. A third option is to freeze your juice immediately after making it in an air tight container which will retain 95% of the nutrients.

There you have it! Juicing doesn’t have to be difficult and with these tips you are to sure to make some great juice and your body will be thanking you.


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