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Top 5 ways to fit in your workouts and still have a life

Top 5 ways to fit in your workouts and still have a life

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How to fit in your workouts and still have a life

By Sarah Booth

You are trying to eat healthy and meal prep is taking some time as well.  Pretty soon you are feeling overwhelmed with trying to keep up with everything!  And keeping up with your workouts are the first thing that is dropped off the to-do list. Have no fear below is the 5 top ways to fit in your workouts and still have a life. 

We live in a world that is constantly busy. Busy with work, activities for the kids and just overwhelming in general. Even though it takes time, having a regular exercise schedule really does improve your overall health.  

Getting out in the fresh air can help with depression while working out with a group provides a social connection. Even though you know how important it is to work out, it’s finding the time to do that is the problem.

                                       Here are some tips that will make finding that workout time a little easier.

1. SCHEDULE IT! You’ve probably heard this before but it really works!  Schedule your work out time. Write it down on your calendar or put it in your phone so everyone knows that you are busy at the same time each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or whenever the best schedule is for you.

Mornings always work best for me but I know that I won’t do anything after a long day at work.  Experiment with your schedule. It took me 6 months to figure out which days worked best for what workout returning after my injury.

2. Shorter is better. If you’re new to exercising or just coming off a long hiatus don’t try to push yourself for two back to back classes. If you can get out for 30 minutes three times a week, you are doing great!  It’s easier to be successful and stick to a schedule if you have small manageable goals.

3. Get plenty of rest.  Exercising is a workout and you need energy for that. It might seem counterintuitive to get more sleep when you are already pressed for time, but not getting enough sleep can cause foggy thinking, bad decisions and make you less productive in your workout.

Getting a good night’s rest will make it easier to get up in the morning and make that early spin class instead of hitting the snooze and going back to bed. Get enough sleep so you have enough energy to conquer your workout and the rest of your day!

4. Pick a primary sport and let your other workouts support that.  I am a runner and I used to run 5-6 days a week. And that was all I did.  It was a hard lesson, but now I am running 3 days a week and doing different activities on the other days.  

Pick your main sport, like running, and have your other activities, like strength training and yoga, support that sport. You will be surprised how strong you feel on your primary sports days by giving your body a break.

5. Get a partner.  If you’re having a hard time fitting in a workout, having someone with you will make you more motivated.  Get a friend, join a running club or bring your family! Yes, working out has a purpose but I also see it as a social opportunity.   

Meet your friends for a Saturday spin class or bring the family for a long bike ride or a walk. Doing an activity together will make it more enjoyable!

Have fun! Exercising is hard but it can be fun. Find something you enjoy doing. Don’t worry about the latest fad or exercise craze. This is your workout time and you should be doing something that you like.

Sarah is a certified Integrative Holistic Health Coach that helps runners find the food that fuels them.  You can find her online at www.noldihealthylifecoaching.com or on Instagram and Facebook at noldihealthylife.  



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