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Top 6 Ways to Avoid Feeling Hungry while on a Cleanse

Top 6 Ways to Avoid Feeling Hungry while on a Cleanse

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When choosing to a do cleanse we are engaging in improving our health, increasing our energy, and eliminating waste that causes diseases, weight gain, and cravings.  

One big misconception of cleansing is that we don’t eat anything during the process. This is simply not true and not our intention when starting a cleanse.

There are many ways you can go through a cleanse and avoid the feeling of feeling hungry. As you go through this phase keep these tips and tricks close by to help you along the way.


1) Prepare ahead of time. Preparation is key! Before starting your cleanse you will want to make sure you have all ingredients in your home and ready to go.

Make a list of all the ingredients you are going to need and try to go to the store 1 or 2 days before you begin. You can even go as far as prepping your juices,smoothies and broth in advance so when it comes time to enjoy them they are ready to go and you won’t have the urge to reach for something else.

2) Prep and keep healthy snacks close by. Just because you are cleansing does not mean you cannot eat. We are doing this to remove toxins from our body so that we can improve our health and increase our energy.

Herbal teas, unprocessed foods such as unsalted raw nuts and seeds (no peanuts), fresh organic fruits and vegetables are great snacks to keep on hand to help reduce any feelings of hunger you may be having.

Pro Tip: Avocados are an ideal snack as they are packed with nutrition and will help you feel full, longer!

Stay Active

3) Keep busy! Cravings will come when you are sitting doing nothing and have time to think about it.

Consider adding in a workout to your day like yoga or going for a walk. This will help your mind think about something else and not focus on food. This is also a great opportunity to get in some spring cleaning around the home and cleanse other areas of your life.

Maybe you have some clothes or household items that you need to get rid of, now is the perfect time to put this into action and do some spring cleaning.


4)Add in more water to your day. Drinking more water while you cleanse will keep you hydrated and help you avoid getting headaches and feeling tired.

Water will also help remove toxins which is exactly what we are working on doing when cleansing. Start your day off with a big glass of water in the morning, drink in between meals, and while exercising.

Feel free to infuse your water with your favorite fruits to add some flavor. It is said that you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water but during a cleanse you may feel you need to drink even more.

Positive Energy

5) Keep a positive mindset. It is important that when we are doing something new or is a change in our daily routine that it can become overwhelming and sometimes we feel as though it is not worth completing.

Remind yourself throughout the day that this cleanse is to help support your body, improve your health and help you feel better from the inside out.

You could choose to add in some mantras and place them around the home to see consistently throughout the day. You can write on your mirror in the bathroom , on a sticky note to place on your fridge, beside your bed, or any other areas that you know you will be around throughout the time of your cleanse.


6)Ensure you are getting proper amount of sleep. Not only will getting enough sleep help you throughout your cleanse to feeling better but it also helps you avoid feeling hungry.

Aim to get around 7-9 hours of sleep each night and you can try to create a new habit of going to bed half an hour earlier each night. A good night’s sleep is fundamental to good health because your cells repair themselves more rapidly at nighttime which is an added bonus to the cleanse.

Live Your Best Life

With the tips above you should be able to create some great ways to avoid feeling hungry when you cleanse but also create new lasting lifestyle changes to help you live your best life.


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