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Top 8 methods to reduce high blood pressure naturally

Top 8 methods to reduce high blood pressure naturally

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becoming heart healthy

Becoming heart healthy

According to the American Heart Association, approximately 85 Million Americans have high blood pressure which equates to 1 out of every 3 adults over the age of 20 and close to 20% are not aware that they have high blood pressure.

With these startling numbers, it is time for us to take action and use these 8 methods to reduce high blood pressure.

Incorporate the DASH

www.dashdiet.org. Per their site, this diet has been ranked as the best diet for the 7th year in a row by US News & World Report. This diet is proven to reduce High Blood Pressure in 14 days.

It is also great for weight loss, lowering cholesterol, and managing or preventing diabetes.


At least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise five to six times per week will help lower high blood pressure.

Your heart is a muscle, so it gets stronger with exercise. Aerobic/cardiovascular exercise helps reduce your heart’s resting beat which makes your heart stronger and increases blood flow because it’s working less.

Reduce your alcohol intake

heart healthy

Eliminate/Reduce drinking and smoking

Some red wines have been known for being heart healthy, but overall alcohol should be kept to a minimum to ensure heart health.

Quit smoking

Smoking damages the lining of your arteries and can cause a heart attack, stroke, or angina which is chest and upper body pain as a result of not enough blood getting to the heart. Victims of 2nd hand smoke are at risk as well.

Reduce stress

Prayer and meditation, as well as exercise, are great ways to reduce stress. Sometimes doing something you enjoy can reduce stress and get your mind on something less stressful. Your problems cannot be ignored but sometimes its best to put them aside for a short while to give you time to regroup and calm down.

If you don’t have a lot of time, you can also take a couple of minutes to take a few deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Use natural herbs

Natural herbs have high blood pressure-reducing mechanisms in them. The following can be great to reduce high blood pressure:

Adding these herbs to your food and tea can help reduce High Blood Pressure

Heart Healthy

Food is medicine

Foods high in potassium and diuretic foods

Foods high in potassium are:

Green leafy vegetables such as Arugula, Beet Greens, Collard Greens, Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, and Swiss Chard.

Bananas and berries, Fish with omega 3’s, and Salmon, Raw nuts, Red beets, Skim milk or yogurt, oatmeal, and dark chocolate.

High diuretic foods are:

Asparagus, Beets, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Eggplant, and Tomatoes.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry Juice, and Water are also great for reducing high blood pressure.

Consult with a licensed healthcare provider before starting this. Once approved, follow the DASH diet and these 8 methods for 30 days to help prevent one of the most causes of premature deaths.

What ways have you used nutrition to reduce your high blood pressure? Please share in the comments section how you have been able to manage this.


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