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Top 8 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Sugar Today!

Top 8 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Sugar Today!

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Top Reasons

  1. Too Much Sugar Can Lead to Diabetes: Sugar has been proven to play a large factor in the development of type II diabetes.  Often times, being pre-diabetic is associated with being overweight. Even people who are seen as “skinny” are at risk of becoming pre-diabetic if they consume too much sugar. The best way to avoid this from happening is by significantly reducing your consumption of sugar. 
  2. Sugar Clogs Your Arteries: Yep, you read that right. Heart Health is important and that is what Pure-trition is all about so I had to add this in.  Over time, eating too much sugar will ravage your endothelium which is a layer of cells that protect your red blood cells.  Red blood cells have a much harder time getting oxygen to parts of your body when your endothelium is damaged. This causes your arteries to become clogged.
  3. Sugar is Addictive: I can testify to that, but our bodies really don’t respond well to too much of it. Consuming too much sugar can lead to the “shut down” of your neurotransmitters that signal the release of dopamine.  When that happens it makes one eat more and more sugar until the neurotransmitters are triggered. You begin to feel like you need it all the time and find yourself saying “I want something sweet”. Or is that just me?
  4. Sugar Can Accelerate the Progression of Cancer: Because sugar is essential for malignant cells to grow, sugar can “feed cancer.”


Feeling overwhelmed yet? I have more…

  1. Sugar Makes You Overweight: If you consume a large amount of sugar every day, you may notice fat accumulating in unwanted places.  Because sugar signals your body to store fat instead of burn fat, your body will immediately begin to hold fat in places that make it extremely hard to work off.
  2. Sugar Messes With Your Head: Consuming large amounts of sugar can cause major hormonal issues.  Because the added sugar manipulates your hunger hormone receptors into not receiving the message that you have eaten, you will never feel quite full, explaining why you may feel hungry when you eat a diet high in sugar. It can actually be the reason for some of your headaches.
  3. Sugar is Genetically Modified: More than 50 percent of sugar in the United States comes from genetically modified crops.  To avoid this genetically modified sugar, seek out sugar or products labeled as 100 percent organic.
  4. Sugar Can Kill Your Sex Drive: Because sugar plays a massive part in clogging your arteries and restricting blood flow when the time comes, you may not be able to perform.  Taking in too much sugar during the day can result in erectile dysfunction in men and sexual arousal disorder in women.

Now that know my reasons for ditching sugar, please share your reasons for ditching it.



  • Tynisa Posted October 15, 2018 9:54 pm

    Oh my, I did not know this, you’re very informative!

    • Aleta Osborn Posted October 18, 2018 10:12 am

      Thank you

  • Susan Posted October 19, 2018 3:21 pm

    Any advise on how to ditch the sugar…. it’s so addictive and it is hidden in so many foods??!?!?!!

    • Aleta Osborn Posted October 19, 2018 3:31 pm

      Hi Susan, I agree it is very addictive. Try focusing on reducing the three Ps’ prepared, packaged, and processed foods I know that can be difficult but when you cook fresh foods you have control over what goes in them and you can use healthier options for sugar if needed. Also when wanting something sweet try eating fruit. As you begin to focus more on fresh fruit and vegetables your cravings will reduce. I am starting a free 21-Day Challenge on Supportive Daily Habits and it has an option nutrition component available which is designed to increase healthier foods and reduce sugar. Feel free to check it out on my website at https://www.pure-trition.com If you have any other questions you can submit them there as well or schedule a call with me. I hope this helped. Have a great day.

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