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Weight Loss Can Change More Than the Number On the Scale

Weight Loss Can Change More Than the Number On the Scale

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It’s Not Just About Weight Loss

Most of the time we lose weight because well simply put, we want to lose weight. What we don’t realize are the amazing benefits that come from shedding some pounds and how it can change more than just the number on the scale.

The first thing people will notice when you lose weight is your appearance, but for you it might actually be one of the last things you notice unless you take photos to keep track of your journey. What you will start to notice are things that are happening in other areas.

Health Benefits to Weight Loss

Here are some benefits of weight loss and things you may notice along the way:

  1. Sleep Better- You may start to notice that you are sleeping better and are able to better achieve a deeper sleep.
  2. Breathe Easier- If you deal with asthma, you may notice that you experiencing fewer or less severe asthma attacks.
  3. Less joint and back pain- Losing weight greatly reduces demands on joints which can help give you relief. Your body supports your back,knees,hips,and ankles when you are in a standing or sitting position.
  4. You won’t be as hungry- When you start to eat food that is healthy and is filled with the right nutrients to fuel your body, you will feel more satisfied after eating and not have to eat as much.
  5. Your skin will look and feel better- Many healthy foods are filled with beautifying benefits which in return when you are adding these to your daily diet will help improve the appearance of your skin.

New Outlook With Weight Loss

Those are pretty incredible benefits that you will notice when you are losing weight but there are so many other amazing benefits that you will notice. Losing weight is more than just a number on the scale, but it can also change the way we look at life.

There have been people who have been able to come off their medication because of the weight loss they have had. Imagine how great that would make you feel.

Not only are you looking better but now you are also starting to feel better. You may find yourself with a more positive outlook on life, your motivation level will increase, and your job might become more fun and easier for you to go to each day.

Your relationships may change for the better, in addition to your priorities in life potentially changing, and the things that once seemed to hard or not worth it may become your passion and drive to do more in life.

As amazing as all these benefits are, I don’t want to miss out on sharing with you the most incredible advantages that can come from losing weight.

Additional Health Benefits

Here are some of the most important benefits:

  1. Control of Diabetes- In some cases losing weight can help prevent, treat or resolve diabetes. Complications that can come with diabetes like blindness, amputation of the limbs, kidney disease, and stroke risk decrease.
  2. Improve Infertility- When you lose weight it can help regulate your menstrual cycle. Weight loss particularly helps reduce symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which contributes to infertility in many women.
  3. Helps Manage Your Risk for Heart Disease- Weight loss can lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and control diabetes which in return decreases your risk of heart disease. High cholesterol contributes to plaque buildup in your arteries and veins. High blood pressure puts stress on your heart and vascular system. Diabetes causes physical damage to your heart.
  4. Lower Chances of Cancer- When weight loss occurs it can lower levels of some hormones linked to cancer, such as estrogen, insulin and androgens.
  5. Your Immune System Will Work Properly Again- Losing body fat can mean a healthier, more responsive, more robust immune system. Which means fewer colds, fewer infections, and a healthier daily life.

As you can see there are so many amazing benefits to losing weight other than just seeing a number on the scale. You are creating a healthier life that can help make you happier and live longer, resulting in you looking and feeling your absolute best!

Remind yourself each day and each step you take as you work towards a healthier you, that you are worth it and every small step taken is a step in the right direction to big changes.


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