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1957 N College Ave, Indianapolis

Welcome to my new blog about nutrition!!!

Welcome to my new blog about nutrition!!!

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Every day my mind is going at warp speed with information I want to share. I’m jotting down my ideas daily so that I can come back and expand upon them to share with you.

I’m looking forward to your comments, and eager to hear about changes you notice with your health and your weight.

Some of you will have experienced health issues and the information will help provide you with a better quality of life. Others are wanting to lose weight and gain confidence, as well as, look and feel better in your clothing.

Whatever your reasons are, I commend you for wanting to make this change and invest in your life.

Please remember this is a lifestyle change so view it as a marathon, not a 100-yard dash. Some days you will feel discouraged and not want to continue. When you have discouraging days please reach out to me as well as your support system around you.

Other days you are going to be motivated and excited about the changes you are noticing, please share those times as your success and positive outlook may be encouraging for someone else.

One of my many reasons for starting this blog has been to help keep me motivated with my weight loss journey. As I have stated before, my weight has gone up and down because of my eating habits.

I have improved those habits and can tell a difference in how I look, as well as, how I feel. I still have weight to lose. With each meal, I have to choose if I am going to eat clean and fuel my body with nutrients or harm it with toxins.

Last I would like to leave you with a reminder that this is a no judgment zone. I DO NOT want anyone to feel ashamed to ask any questions or express themselves. As always we are here to lift each other up one blog post and one comment at a time.



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